Why is the little boy so naggish and asking so many questions?
During the process of writing scripts, this question nearly drove me crazy. Since our play had four characters with four scenes, the protagonist, little prince, inevitably had more lines than others. Therefore, the most important tasks for us were to condense all of his doubt, murmur, theory and to transform him into a silent boy. Do you think this was really easy to simply cut off his line? NO!NO!NO!
In order to preserve the origin spirit of this novel, we decided to excerpt the dialogue directly from the novel. Therefore, the coherence of each dialogue and scene was really important since we could not use the lines one by one, especially when the little prince always repeats his questions for multiple times. When we eventually finished all the scripts with extreme excitement, we figured out two problems: The little prince still had too many lines, and all of us might have too many lines. However, this was a symbol of our passion towards our final project!
Our passion also provided us another huge project: we desired to paint all of our background by ourselves. Since the little prince travels between several planets and learns various theory about life, the background should indicate this transformation. In the first scene, we decided to paint dark yellow planet with fake volcanoes on the black background. In the second scene, three or four planets with different color should be on the black background to suggest that the king actually represents the synthesis of characters from 4 planets. All these planets would be painted on poster or paperboard so that we can switch them easily. Hope that Mr. Poisson would offer his love.
In conclusion, we really want to make this project perfect meanwhile enjoy the process. Moreover, I am so excited to start practicing this play that I can even imagine the scene where Cherrie, Olivia and I are all yelling at Eric because he speaks too quietly. I hope that this won’t happen too often.
Fighting !